Starlo & Bushys Squidgies – NEW Colours 2010

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Squidgy Pro Slick Rigs – NEW COLOURS !

The Squidgy Slick Rig has quickly become one of Australia’s top-selling soft plastic lures since its release a few years ago. Anglers love the simplicity of a pre-rigged lure they can simply tie or clip on their lines and cast or troll to catch fish! But many specialist anglers, particularly those chasing fish like barramundi in freshwater rivers and dams or tidal estuaries, wanted additional colours in the line-up, and also a selection of Slick Rigs with lighter built-in weights.

So was born the Squidgy Pro Slick Rig Light range! A fantastic colour range, and 45% lighter than the original! Already the number one impoundment barra lure in the land, smart anglers are constantly finding new wonders to work with these fantastic swim baits… Smear and fill them with deadly S-Factor and go for it! Often, these great lures do their best work on a straight, slow to medium-paced retrieve, but don’t be afraid to experiment! Try stops and starts (burn-and-kill), lifts and drops, and slow jigging near the bottom… Each approach has its day!

More details & How-To Videos @ Starlo & Bushys Squidgies

#Squidgies #SoftPlasticLures #FishingWithScotto

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