Winter in the bay doesn’t just mean fantastic snapper fishing – we also have some great bream & flatty fishing to enjoy……

The fished our first spot under the watchful eye of the resident dingo – beautiful dog …..

We had 10 nice bream in the well in the first hour – sorry about the photo – bumped the program button
We actually had to release them halfway through the day as we couldn’t fit any more in the well, with over 20 landed at that stage ……….

I switched from 100m Squidgy wrigglers ( bloodworm & larvae ) to Bushy’s Devil fish out on the flats due to the wind making it difficult to stay in touch with the wrigglers – nailing some great fish including this beautiful diamond

As the tide dropped out (0.37 Low ) we had a fantastic flatty bite with both Brett & myself landing over 20 quality fish in a few hours

Brett fished 80mm Squidgy fish – while I stuck with the Devil fish vibes …….
It was a great day in good company with Brett & I landing in excess of 50 quality fish for the day – How Good Is Hervey Bay