She Fishes – Chloe Taylor & Tom Laurence visit Hervey Bay

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We had the pleasure of fishing with Chloe Taylor ( ) and her fianc’e Tom Laurence in December when they visited Hervey Bay 

Chloe is a regular contributor to fishing media, including contributions to one of Australia’s leading fishing publications, Fishing World magazine. She has graced the cover of numerous Fishing World issues. Chloe has a strong passion for all types of fishing with a focus on inshore sports fishing for snapper, kingfish and jewfish and game fishing for marlin, tuna and sharks. But is was Hervey Bay’s famous golden trevally & longtails that brought them to the bay in the lead up to Christmas.

Their trip did start slowly with strong N/NW winds which hampered any trips up the island. The tuna schools that had been so plentiful through out the bay during October and early November had also disappeared with only a few scattered spotted mackerel schools  to get started with…

Neither Chloe or Tom had been on Fraser Island – so with a strong SE change bearing down we did a day trip on the island. We have the whole “Fraser day trip” down pat after a number of visits with family & friends and managed to show Chloe & Tom all the main tourist hot spots 

With some more stable weather Chloe & Tom managed a few trips up the island with mixed results – one being this cracking gold spot cod !

After a number of monumental wipe outs on both lures and live baits – Tom also managed a few reasonable Spanish mackerel 

But is was our famous Golden Trevally that they had come to catch and after a number of attempts Chloe managed a number of quality fish along with this beautifully marked cracker 

Not to be out done Tom also managed a number of good fish …..

How Good Is Hervey Bay 

local fishing guide Andrew Chorley ( ) also managed to put Chloe onto her longtail freshwater barra locally. I am sure Chloe & Tom will be back to get that longtail next trip 

*Photo Credit – Chloe Taylor & Tom Laurence – 

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