Sorry for the delay in updating our fishing trips and reports – we have been posting to our facebook page more and more and have not made the time to update the web site here as often as we should 😄
I was supposed to spend my birthday back in March out at Lady Elliot island but due to a low pressure system we moved it to August – and we are so glad we did as we got to experience beautiful lady Elliot island for 3 nights with great weather and now understand why everyone who has been there rate it as one of the most stunning coral cays you can visit !
Welcome to Lady Elliot Island #selfie
The main lagoon at high tide offers fantastic snorkeling and swimming
The main lagoon at low tide offer s great reef walks 😉
Down to another day in paradise
The turtles are super friendly at Lady Elliot
There where some solid Brown Sweetlip or Blubbler Lip Bream in the main lagoon
Red Bass on his bombie
Spangled Emperor or Sweetlip
I even got to swim with the Manta Rays 😉
We did get an awesome storm one afternoon which made for a spectacular shot #blackcloud
Sunset Happy Hour at the Light House is mandatory each afternoon
also enjoyed my limited edition James Squire “The Wreck” to celebrate my 50th year 🙂
While you can do day trips to Lady Elliot Island – I think you really need to spend a few night out there to really appreciate how special it is – 3 nights was great & we could have easily spent a couple more 😉 #ladyelliotisland