Some truly EPIC captures !

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Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Jones

Fly fisher Jonathan Jones caught this amazing big eye tuna, estimated at over 70kg, while fishing the flats on the Western side of Fraser Island last week !

Jonathan spotted the fish while chasing marlin in the shallow water up the top of Fraser Island in Platypus Bay. Something didn’t add up – it just looked to big to be a marlin as most encountered inside Hervey Bay average 10-20kgs. After hooking the beast in the shallows it became obvious this fish was no marlin !

Using a 15 weight fly outfit with a Scientific Anglers 100-lb. core SONAR Big Water 750 grain line and 80lb leader, the tuna took over two hours to subdue before Jonathan and his mate, Alexis Pageau, brought it onboard.

Jonathan is currently in Hervey Bay filming and chasing marlin on the flats. Check out his crew’s Facebook page  @ for more.

Without flying gaffs and only 3 crew the fish was released. Deano assisted on One Way with swimming the fish due to having lower gunnels.

Capt. Nick Van Der Merwe, Angler Stu Dowes & Crew Blake Swanepoel.

Dimensions – 3.4m short length, 2m girth & 50cm tail wrist.

Without doubt the largest Blue Marlin released by a SCGFC boat in the clubs history and possibly one of the larger ones released in Australian waters ! 

BREAKING NEWS – Reports just in that Sunshine Coast boat ALLURE tagged 39 marlin off top end of Fraser island yesterday – which could be new world record for teh number of black marlin tagged in one day beating -muddys record of 33 off Townsville l

#HowGoodIsHerveyBay #fishingfrasercoast #fishingwithscotto

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