Some Squiding & Fishing

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Finally got out for a fish again and started off chasing a few squid which I had heard have been around in good numbers recently. It didn’t take long to find a few using the Shimano Sephia jigs – although they did show a strong preference to the brighter colours 

With a .42 mtre afternoon low tide we decided to fish the flats as they emptied out along the Western side of Fraser Island using the New Squidgy Pro Paddler prawns and caught my 1st painted sweetlip/slatie bream/mother-in law or blue bastard on a lure & sweet NEW Zodias 270M & Stradi Ci4 4000 combo 

Everything eats prawns and the New Squidgy Pro Prawns are quickly becoming my new go-to soft plastics !

To good to only catch once #catchandrelease 

Also managed a few nice flathead & bream on the smaller Squidgy Prawns as well 

Next we headed off shore with a glamor weather forecast  to chase some reefies – but got more than we bargained for ….

Pretty much how I spent the day – trying to get anything past the sharks !

Not even the sharks would eat this trigger 

Finally managed to get one quality fish up before the sharks with this beautifully marked spangled emperor 

Until Next Time – Scotto 

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